The ENERGY STAR® program is an international standard to help consumers identify products that are among the most energy efficient on the market. All ENERGY STAR certified products are tested to meet strict efficiency specifications and are certified by an independent third party. Only manufacturers and retailers whose products meet the ENERGY STAR® criteria can label their products with this symbol.
Parmida LED products that are ENERGY STAR® qualified may be eligible for a rebate in your area via your utility and/or municipality.

The Design Lights Consortium ™ (DLC) is dedicated to advancing the adoption of high-performance, energy efficient lighting solutions. The DLC is a voluntary certification initiative for LED technology requiring lighting products to comply with minimum performance standards in three critical areas: distribution efficacy, color, and longevity/stress. Testing to DLC requirements must be completed by
an Accredited Laboratory, and test results submitted directly to the DLC by the manufacturer. Most utility companies require fixtures to be DLC listed to qualify for rebates, which play a significant role in optimizing the cost effectiveness of a lighting project.
Parmida LEDs DLC certified luminaire’s meet category specific definitions and requirements that warrant their place on the DLC’s Qualified Product List (QPL)

JA8 Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, knownas the California Building Standards Code or just “Title 24,” contains the regulations that govern the construction of buildings in California.
Parmida LEDs JA8 Title 24 certified luminaire’s are compliant with the California Energy Commission’s (CEC) new regulations in the Building Energy Efficiency Standards that took effect on January 1, 2017. The new standards focus on several key areas to improve the energy efficiency of new homes, including requiring all newly constructed single-family homes, townhouses and dwelling units of new multifamily buildings to use high efficacy lighting.
To qualify as “high efficacy,” Parmida LEDs luminaire’s meet the requirements laid out in the recently updated Joint Appendix Section 8 (JA8). JA8 regulations focus on performance and lighting quality to increase consumer adoption of high efficacy lighting.
Lighting that does not automatically qualify as high efficacy must be certified with the CEC as compliant with JA8. To qualify, products must meet specific efficacy, power factor, CCT, CRI, lifetime, dimming and flicker requirements.

UL is a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). It is an independent, international organization that tests products, certifies manufacturers and documents safety standards for a diverse range of industries and applications. UL offers a rigorous set of standards that covers risk assessment for LED lighting products, focusing on both fire protection and electrical safety.
Parmida LED products that bear the UL Listed Mark have been tested, inspected and validated by UL based on their Standards for Safety.

ETL is a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). ETL tests to the same standards as UL and their certification has the same recognition by OHSA since they are both Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories.
Parmida LED products that bear the ETL Listed Mark have been tested, inspected and validated by ETL based on their Standards for Safety. This certification mark indicates that the product has been tested to and has met the minimum requirements of a widely recognized U.S product safety standard, that the manufacturing site has been audited, and that the applicant has agreed to a program of periodic factory follow-up inspections to verify continued performance. One of the key reasons we may choose to use ETL is the timeframe in which they can test and certify products is usually much faster than UL.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. An independent U.S. government agency overseen by Congress, the Commission is the federal agency responsible for implementing and enforcing America’s communications law and regulations.
Parmida LEDs FCC certified luminaire’s are compliant with the rules and regulations set by the FCC and have been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.